Welcome to [Its Femtastic (:]

I hope that all of you find this page highly fun, funny, entertaining, sometimes touching, and jus plain great. I speak on things like life as a lesbian, life mainly based on an internet socail life, friendship, family, and some random things.. I also write poetry so I will probably be posting some off my stuff as well.. I'm a twitter babyy so if yu are as well , follow me! @FemtasticSwagg.. hope yu enjoy. dnt be shy to comment, critisize, or request! ♥Femtastic

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

ik its been a while, sorry guys!!

Hey all my loyal and pissed off blog readers.. I am so sorry that it has been such a long time since I blooged for you.. I have been so busy with Senior year, my grandpa passing, my mom bought a house, and now we are moving. but I did want to come here and apologize and let you guys know that I will be doing my best to stay up on this blog shit! :( My baby will be with me for a week starting the 17th so that week may be a lil busy but we will be posting a youtube video together so you can catch up on me there..... (: Sorry guys again. -YaGirl Rissa!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

rainbow graduation cake??

okay so look at the two cakes and tell me which is cuter for a possible graduation cake.. email me yur opinions to femtasticswagg@yahoo.com I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE IT! (: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR OPINIONS!
[layer cake is cake 1] ♥[tyedye cake is cake 2]

Skypin' KingKellz(:

Omg iJus skyped the world of youtube's sexiest stud! KING KELLZ! ♥ It was a birthday present in its self! She is soooooooo fine! My wife cnt trip bcuz she know the bidness! HAHA Like had me so hype! (: so ladies nd gents, follow me on youtube [FemtasticSwagg] , follow me on twitter @FemtasticSwagg! Nd btw everyone, I'ma let my twin blog one good time for me this weekend! Spending the weekend with her for my birthday, gimme some bday shout outs on Monday! ♥

Saturday, September 10, 2011

My momma's jewlery..

I'm helping my momma sell her jewlery.. is any1 interested in buy some of it? its really pretty! i wear it all the time. she makes earrings (spelling?) lol , necklaces, bracelets, anklets, keychains, lapel pins, and full sets! (: They are really really pretty. I will post pictures later but please email me at cece.babyy@yahoo.com if your interested! I will send you pictures and prices and anything else you would like to know! (: Please ladies and gents, let me kno if your interested. -Fem

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fake people!

Okay so this is frustrating for me because iBeen dealing with this BS for a few months. Alright so  iBeen wifed for almost 5 months right? Yea we got our issues nd whatever, buh that dnt mean we over no time soon. My ex be tryna cake when iGot problems buh then she wanna act innocent when my relationship is fantastic.. Like thas some fake ass motha fucking people shit.. PERIOD

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My other socail networks!

Okay so I have said it time nd time again buh I'm saying it again ladies nd gents nd studgens (: Follow me on twttier, facebook, downelink, youtube, nd of course here.. @FemtasticSwagg [my name for everything] Yu will notice that my name on facebook is CeCe_-_-_ , thats because I can only change it to my birth name so iJust leave it like that.. buh yu can search me by femtastic swagg as well! If you have any questions, please feel free to email them to me. femtasticswagg@yahoo.com (: Okay well thas really it for this evening so iGuess I'm outtie (: ♥Femtastic

Friday, September 2, 2011

Senior Year!

Okay so its my last first friday of senior year. This week has been crazy, let me tell you! On top of starting school, there were some relationship problems, some family problems, and a few disappointments. But everything was worked out for me this week. Sorry its been so long since I blogged LOL Lemme tell you what I'm going to be up to the next couple of weeks. This weekend I'm going to the fai with my little cousins, big sisters, nd my mom. (: Then next weekend I'm staying home and hanging out with the family. The weekend after that I'm going to see my twin in Stockton, Ca! (: I'll be there the entire weekend. I leave on the bus at 2:30p on Friday the 23rd. I come home at about 6p on Sunday the 25th. These are the days before my birthday and I'm so excited to spend them with my twin(: Um I am still doing youtube, still tweeting, and still blogging. Its just that with school starting I have to get into a routine with school and then include my socail life with it! (: So follow me on twitter @FemtasticSwagg , add me on facebook c.valdez_1994@yahoo.com , add me on downelink FemtasticSwagg , nd subscribe nd follow my youtube channel FemtasticSwagg as well! (: ♥Femtastic

Sunday, August 21, 2011

End of summer, Beginning of the end of High School

Okay so as off next Monday, my 2011 Summer ends and I start my last first day of High School. (: Yes, I start my senior year next monday.. This summer was amazing, beautiful, great, jus smiles all summer.. So I have decided to make a youtube video  of all my pictures from this summer (: I will start it now and post it next Sunday night b4 I go to bed. I cant post it until I put the pictures from my Reno, NV trip next weekend.. (: I'm not sure if any1 reads my blog on a regular buh if yu do, plez look for that. (: Well I'm gonna take a nap with my liddo sister bumblebee so I'll be baq when I have something to really post about lol

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Family Drama

Okay so being adopted, I rarely talk to much of my biological family. Today I had a very big blow up that went far out of paportion with my auntie. It was ridiculous and uncalled for. She faked a stroke and faked being her daughter. She cursed me out on facebook, brought my biological mother into the situation, brought my being adopted up, and was playing her daughter the whole time. When I finally found out and folded up her lie- she some how mysteriously woke up out of the stroke nd in the hospital and went off on me for being "so mean to her daughter". I folded up her lie because I was sent a picture with a time stamp of 2 days ago of my cousin (the supposed shit starter) getting onto her plane baq to another state. My auntie is now trying to give me a friend that is supposedly moving into 2 streets down from me 2mrw, is the same age as me, a lesbian as well, and jus happens to have the same name as my sister.. Right after I disgusted her and I was a bitch.. Kinda odd right? So thas my family drama.. Dealing with it at 2:27am.. UGH

Sunday, August 14, 2011

First Femtastic Blog (:

My SpongiieBobiie
Okay so its August 14th at about 2:10a and I am a] blogging, b] webcaming my bestfriend SpongiieBobiie, c]texting, d] watching my brother in law play an xbox game, and e] half ass tweeting. Boring right? lol Birthday shout outs to my 2nd oldest sister Kristina! (: I'm sure yu've been fucked up all weekend lol Now onto something else.. My bestfriend SpongiieBobiie starts classes again on Monday ): I told her I wud blog abt it so I am.. I AM GONNA MISS YU BESTFRIEND.. I will cherish our long serious bestfriend talks and stupid halarious bestfriend moments even more now because I know they wont come so often now! ): But yur still that liddo yellow sponge of my life lmao Okay so anybody who happens to follow me shortly, I am leaving my liddo monkey's house 2mrw.. I probably wont see him all week because we're busy this week.. ): It is just a solemn time for me lol Well my first Femtastic blog is done for now I guess.. lol ♥Femtastic

Femtastic's Blog Stats (: